The Green Planet, (Green Storybooks)


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The Green Planet, Green Storybooks


Children are ready to touch down on The Green Planet when they know all their SET 1 sounds really well and are blending confidently.

Green Storybooks contain words that contain only SET 1 sounds. They also begin to learn the SET 2 sounds. These are all ‘Special Friends’ and some have more than 2 letters to make 1 sound such as ‘igh’.  Each sound has a picture and a phrase that goes with it. This is to help the children remember which digraph matches the sound.

Here is a video that shows you the SET 2 sounds that the children will be learning: Click here to see.


This is a video showing how we teach SET 2 sounds in school: Click here to see.


The children continue to use ‘Fred Fingers’ to write and spell basic words and also begin to ‘hold’ and write sentences using words within their phonic range. This video shows you how we teach children to hold a sentence in their head to help them write it.

Read Write Inc - hold a sentence - YouTube


If children are on track to achieve their end of year expectations they will begin reading Green books in the Summer term of Year R .