• ASC_4149

Daily Update 17th April 2020

The Ugly Five from Weyfield Academy on Vimeo.


Hi Everyone,

Well eventually it’s raining so at least there are less reasons to venture outside and some of our very thirsty plants at school will get a good water. Have you ever watched a raindrop take a journey down the window? You could even try racing them if it rains hard enough.

We hope that you are taking the time to read plenty of stories. Isla is really enjoying having Jack home everyday to read her stories... looks like he’s very good at it too! The fabulous Miss Redman is reading today’s bedtime story – The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson. We hope you enjoy it.

Next week we will be returning to home-learning. The teachers have been busy putting tasks onto Show My Homework and some of you have already been successful at logging on and having a go. From Monday, there will be an English, maths and one other task to complete each day with a few activities to complete over the week like spellings. Here is the % rate per year group of children who have already managed to access some of what is on offer:

Year group

% of children successfully logged on to Show My Homework














Well done Y3, so far with the most. Our aim is to have 100% per year group by the end of next week so that your child does not miss out too much while not being at school. I will be available on the school office phone to help you if you are having difficulties all next week. Well done to the YR children who continue to access their learning through the Tapestry app. Mrs Badger has been keeping you all very busy and it is really great to see the activities you upload.

Today, we have had a few of our Y6 children share concerns about when they will return to school. Please do not worry... all the indications are pointing towards us being back together before the end of the school year and rest assured that if, for some reason this does not happen, we will organise some activities over the holidays so you can all be together with your friends and teachers. We are very much looking forward to that! :)

For now, make sure you continue to stay safe, be kind and patient, look out for one another and have a fabulous weekend. I will be here in school on Monday with Mrs Knight, Miss Ridout and Mrs Spencer. Please be sure to contact us if you need anything including using the messaging option on our facebook page over the weekend.

Be safe,

Janette McClintock
