The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Welcome to Weyfield Primary Academy!

Our vision is to allow all to GROW; to provide outstanding learning opportunities that develop knowledge and skills, promote unwavering resilience and develop an ability to engage positively with the wider world.

The children at our school are kind, lively and resourceful and deserve every opportunity to grow and fulfil their potential. We aim to ensure they all become global citizens, prepared to actively participate in society. Our bespoke GROW curriculum is specifically designed to ensure every child has the opportunities to develop the necessary skills and attitudes to succeed, be content and to develop a genuine love for learning. The four drivers of our curriculum promote the very highest expectations we have for every child:


Building cultural capital is at the forefront of all we do and is supported by our three foundations for outstanding development: 

  • Academic excellence
  • Building character
  • Happy, healthy, safe

I hope you will take the time to explore each of these foundations here on our website. However, we couldn't possibly capture all the exciting learning that children are engaged with every day, so please come and visit us. I am always happy to show visitors around our extensive facilities and give the children the opportunity to demonstrate what they are learning. 

As the Headteacher, I am privileged to work with a superb team of teachers and support staff, our local governing body and the Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT) to ensure that we deliver our vision for every child. As parents and members of our wider community, I encourage you to visit often and to share your hopes and views about the school and your child’s learning. We are hoping that you take every opportunity to work with us. Getting to know the families of our pupils is one of the most wonderful aspects of my role and I look forward to welcoming you at the many events that take place here throughout the year. Don’t forget to look out for me in the playground, in the morning or at the end of the day.

Needless to say, I am absolutely delighted to be the Headteacher of Weyfield Primary Academy and thoroughly look forward to sharing life’s journey with you all. Our children and their families, staff and community, make Weyfield a very special place to work and learn.

Mrs Janette McClintock