The Purple Planet (Purple Storybooks)

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The Purple Planet

Purple Storybooks


Children are ready to touch down on The Purple Planet when they know all their SET 1 sounds really well, are blending confidently and know some of their SET 2 sounds.


In year 1 the children take their phonics screening check. This involves reading what we call ‘Alien Words’. These are invented words made up of the sounds the children know. We teach the children to ‘Fred Talk’ and then read the word. This video gives you more information about the Year 1 phonics screening test:

Parent video: The Phonics Screening Check - YouTube


The children also learn how to find the answers to questions about the book. Questions where the children can point to the question are called ‘Fastest Finger’ questions. Questions that the children are not as easy to point to are called ‘Think About’ questions. 


If children are on track to achieve their end of year expectations they will begin reading Purple books in the second part of the Summer term of Year R and the first part of the Autumn term in Year 1.